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The Estimative Index (EI) Method
The EI method of aquarium fertilising, using products such as LCA All in One Premium, aims to supply an excess of all nutrients so that plants can grow without deficiency....
The Estimative Index (EI) Method
The EI method of aquarium fertilising, using products such as LCA All in One Premium, aims to supply an excess of all nutrients so that plants can grow without deficiency....

Root vs Water Column Fertilisation
Root tab fertilisation vs Water Column Fertilisation - what do you need? Some great options either way for fertilising your plants. Read on to understand the variations and needs that...
Root vs Water Column Fertilisation
Root tab fertilisation vs Water Column Fertilisation - what do you need? Some great options either way for fertilising your plants. Read on to understand the variations and needs that...

Growing Low Tech Carpet Plants
Growing great carpet plants in a low tech set up, it’s a little more difficult, but not impossible! With the correct plant choices and a suitable low-tech setup, you too...
Growing Low Tech Carpet Plants
Growing great carpet plants in a low tech set up, it’s a little more difficult, but not impossible! With the correct plant choices and a suitable low-tech setup, you too...

Do I Need Root Tabs?
Root tabs suit many planted aquarium systems and can provide an excellent boost to plant growth over a long period of time, creating lush, healthy stems, vibrant colouration and strong...
Do I Need Root Tabs?
Root tabs suit many planted aquarium systems and can provide an excellent boost to plant growth over a long period of time, creating lush, healthy stems, vibrant colouration and strong...

Melting Plants
Plants melt when stressed, which can be caused by a variety of triggers. In this stressed condition, the plant starts to scavenge nutrients from older, unhealthy leaves in an attempt...
Melting Plants
Plants melt when stressed, which can be caused by a variety of triggers. In this stressed condition, the plant starts to scavenge nutrients from older, unhealthy leaves in an attempt...

Red Plants & Nitrates
Some varieties of “red” plants only reach their full colouration when availability of nitrate in the water column is limited. This is because a lack of nitrogen delays the development...
Red Plants & Nitrates
Some varieties of “red” plants only reach their full colouration when availability of nitrate in the water column is limited. This is because a lack of nitrogen delays the development...