Root vs Water Column Fertilisation

Root Fertilisation
You can provide plants with the nutrients they need using a good quality aquasoil, an inert substrate enriched with Root Tabs, or even a DIY soil like those used in the popular Walstad method. Plants draw the nutrients from your substrate through
You can provide plants with the nutrients they need using a good quality aquasoil, an inert substrate enriched with Root Tabs, or even a DIY soil like those used in the popular Walstad method. Plants draw the nutrients from your substrate through
their root systems, where they are sent to areas
of growth such as shoot tips or new leaves.
Water Column Fertilisation

You can also provide plants with the nutrients they need purely through water column fertilisation. This method works even with inert substrates like sand.
This is because aquatic plants are able to draw nutrients through their leaves at any time. Compared to root feeding, it takes a much shorter time for the plants to get nutrients to growth areas where they are needed. This is especially true in newly planted tanks, where the plants’ roots are not yet fully developed. Fertilising the water column immediately after planting is the best practice and will help your plants acclimatise and start growing as soon as possible. Nutrients in the water will also eventually end up in your substrate, enriching it over time.
Avoiding Algae
In newly set up tanks, it’s best to start with a lower dose or less concentrated fertiliser, especially if you’re using a rich substrate. LCA NP Free and LCA Low Tech Complete provide nutrients directly to the water column in amounts that will encourage your plants to acclimatise and establish without triggering an algae bloom.
After a few weeks, once plants are established and their mass is increasing, you can start dosing a more concentrated, comprehensive fertiliser such as LCA All in One Premium, or you can increase your dosage rate of the more lean fertilisers.
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